Marianna Romano Dog Trainer

Marianna Romano istruttore cinofilo piombino toscana

Sports Activities with Dogs

  • Educational walks/hikes
  • Playful workshops at the beach and in the field
  • Dog sitting
  • Mobility
  • Behavioural rehabilitation
  • Scent activities in mantrailing and detection games
  • Basic and advanced training
  • Basic obedience and tricks

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Meet Marianna

Hello, Marianna, could you tell us a bit about yourself?

“Hello Patrizia and Gianni! I’m Marianna Romano, born in Naples in 1985. I moved to Rome in 2008, then to Piombino in 2017 when I got married. I come from a big family with five siblings and a dog, not to mention the other dogs that passed through our home. My mum has always been passionate about dogs, so we’ve always had one around!”

How did you decide to become a dog trainer? What’s your journey been like?

I moved to Rome for work, working as an IT consultant, leaving my family and loved ones to pursue a career, and I must say I succeeded. I spend these years between work, friends, hobbies and lots and lots of nature. Yes, because on the weekends I try to escape to the mountains and climb as soon as possible.

When the opportunity to have a dog came along, Nana arrived, a mix-breed hunting dog and a stray. I saw her adoption post on Facebook and fell in love. After a day of work and days of pondering whether to adopt her or not – such a tough decision! – I rushed to pick her up. When I saw her, it was love at first sight. My life with her has been truly
; we began sharing our time immediately and had many beautiful experiences.

I moved to Piombino and found work in IT, but my outlook changed: I entered a very different world that didn’t align with my natural inclination for improvement and growth.
In the meantime, Vesuvia, a long-haired German Shepherd, entered my life and immediately made herself known as a complex dog.

I entrusted myself to my collaborator Federico Libri, who at the time advised me to take a course to become a dog trainer.

And here I am!

I don’t lack the desire to do and during the year of study, I specialize by doing many hours of internship, taking parallel courses, studying dog breeding books.

I quickly got involved by attending seminars across Italy, and I later specialized with a Master’s in behavioural rehabilitation.”

istruttore cinofilo marianna romano piombino toscana

Activities and Services for Dogs on Holiday

What are the best activities for dogs on holiday? How important are activity and movement for our furry friends?

Holidays are important for everyone, and if it is true that we humans are stressed by the hectic life of work, family, everyday life, our dog also lives a life made up of that neighborhood walk, where perhaps he will meet his arch-enemy at that given gate, or the dog that points at him punctually from that balcony. Oltre al fatto di non essere (quasi) mai senza guinzaglio.

Thanks to my association ASD Code nel Vento, we offer a variety of outdoor activities for dogs on holiday,

  • Code a Spasso’monthly educational walks in the Piombino area and nearby.
  • Playful workshops at the beach, where dogs can get used to the water.
  • Field workshops that dedicate a couple of hours in a holiday week to teaching specific exercises to your dog.”

Can you explain Mantrailing and Detection Games, and the benefits they offer?

Mantrailing is a technique used to find missing people through scent.

Detection Gamesit is instead a sport that has the objective of identifying certain substances through the dog’s sense of smell (substances that are not narcotics or that can harm the dog in any way, but essential oils such as juniper or fennel).

Dogs all have an innate and magnificent olfactory ability which unfortunately is little used in the modern era as dogs do not need to obtain food naturally, we are the ones who fill their bowls.

the dog can engage in one of its most ancestral behaviours, naturally achieving goals.
They can also feel like they have a trusted friend who understands their needs.

What is the “Code a Spasso” project? What should never be missing during a walk/hike?

‘Code a Spasso’ was created to immerse dogs in natural contexts, where they can enjoy the scents and the joy of sticks to chew. Our educational walks aim to share experiences from the beautiful landscapes to coffee together. During a walk, you should never be without a harness,

trekking shoes, water for yourself and your dog, and a leash.

Every dog is respected in its space, ensuring a unique and enjoyable experience for all.”

What do you think you can convey, and what do you take away from each experience?

“Every ‘Code a Spasso’ is pure magic. Dogs may have issues with other dogs or people, but amid conversations and laughter, they find their balance. It’s a moment of affection for both dogs and people, where everyone enjoys the present moment. And every time, I go home with a heart full of beautiful emotions.


How to Participate in Activities on Holiday with Your Dog

What information do you think is useful for those who want to participate in the walks?

These walks are open to dogs of all breeds, sizes, and ages, but it’s important to note any issues with other dogs, people, or environments. Before registration, there will be a get-to-know-you meeting to discuss and plan the activities.

I hope my experiences can serve as an example for dog enthusiasts
, encouraging them to spend quality time with their four-legged friends. So, holidays for the dog can they can be an opportunity to strengthen the bond between owner and animal and to experiment with new activities together.

So, if you are planning some sporting holidays in Tuscany, do not hesitate to include your faithful companion in your adventures and take advantage of the opportunities offered by a wonderful territory and my activities.Happy holidays to all of you and your furry friends!



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